After her parents’ bitter divorce, young Maisie Farange finds herself shuttled between her selfish mother and vain father, who value her only as a means for provoking each other. Maisie – solitary, observant and wise beyond her years – is drawn into an increasingly entangled adult world of intrigue and sexual betrayal, until she is finally compelled to choose her own future. What Maisie Knew is a subtle yet devastating portrayal of an innocent adrift in a corrupt society. Part of a relaunch of three James titles.
Informações sobre o Livro
Idioma : Português
Editora do livro : PENGUIN CLASSICS
Título do livro : What Maisie Knew
Data de publicação : 26-08-2010
Gênero do livro : Ficção
Peso : 258 g
Quantidade de páginas : 352
Ano de publicação : 2010
Altura : 30 cm
Largura : 23 cm